Does your computer ever freeze up? Perhaps after a few frustrating mouse clicks, you simply turn it off and on again. Then miraculously everything is working again!
Is it possible that in the depth of your soul, you need to shut down and reboot?
Join us for a Souly Business Conference
Souly Business Canada is one of the many Chapters of Souly Business. It was started in 2004 out of Alpharetta, Georgia (USA) and have expanded over the years to other locations in the United States, Canada, Costa Rica and Guatemala.
The mission of Souly Business is to connect men in the marketplace with our Heavenly Father…and one another. Environments are created in which men are inspired by the Holy Spirit to more purposefully live out their Christian faith in their personal and professional lives. This is accomplished primarily through weekend retreats.
More information can be found on the main website of Souly Business.
Downloadable Brochure
Download and share this brochure with men whom you believe can benefit from a Souly Business Conference.


Promotional Slides (Wide Format)
Download and use the slide to promote the Souly Business Conference.
What Men (and Wives) Say About Souly Business
I am a business owner who has been working 7 days a week for the past 7 years. I was on the edge of burning out. I was very skeptical about going to Souly Business and almost backed out of going. I am so glad I went! When I returned home, it was like all of my stress had been lifted. It has made me a better husband, father, employer and neighbour. I now see the world differently and it has made life very simple.
My life is forever changed for the better by Souly Business, because my husband attended. Souly Business gave a man, who was wound so tightly he was fully absent, the space to unwind, share, explore his own heart, gain perspective, and seemingly: re-enter life.
The impact that this weekend had on his mind set, perspective, professional and personal relationships, is profoundly obvious in his everyday actions, in his interactions with his children and I, his co-workers, employees and neighbours. He came home a refreshed man. A happy man. He shares his happiness with those around him.
If your husband is considering attending this conference, MAKE HIM. I hope it is as life changing for your family as it was, and will continue to be, for mine.
Join us for an amazing TWO DAY journey.
- Imagine an experience so simple, yet so profound and purposeful that when you re-enter your daily routine, you feel good about life again.
- Think for a moment about the path you are on…and what could happen if you don’t take time to examine your life and priorities. Don’t let it be one of life’s traumas that gets your attention.
- Connect with God and others who care about you. The result? Conversations, connections, dreams, reflection, and encouragement.